Saturday, December 17, 2011

"Gone" at the age of 70 years, the Barefoot diva

" Her magic voice , travel you to other magical places . A diva of music. The barefoot diva as it was called Cesaria Evora has left far from his life."
With an international career that has never changed as a person as told by its own people. Always appears barefoot as this she had grown up. She did not like the riches and lived as he had learned to live for years. With some money though sales of the hit discs always be red.
Cesaria Evora, is internationally known singer from Cape Verde. Is the nickname "barefoot diva" because they prefer to sing in time without shoes. The kind of music that serves named Mornos.
Born in the city of Mindelo on the island Sao Vicente, Cape Verde on August 27, 1941. At age 7 years remained fatherless. After his death, her mother struggled to grow with the meager incomes provided by her job as a cook. Eventually led her to an orphanage and in the choir of the institution that little Cesar learned to sing.

Evora met when he was 16 years a sailor from Cape Verde, which was named Eduardo. He was the man who taught the traditional musical style and coladeiras mornas. The last are songs of sorrow, of melancholy and nostalgia. Cesar began singing in local bars and hotels. With the help of local musicians, would display their skills and later designated as the "Queen of Mornos" by her fans. At that time, was famous in the island, but relatively unknown internationally.
The singer had an uncle who was a famous musician and songwriter, using the name B. Leza. He wrote many songs for Evora.
Barefoot singer remained popular, but without to have success in economics. The difficult economic and political situation in the island country, combined with personal and financial problems, her decision to stop singing to support her family. For ten years there singing and she describes them as "dark ages." At the same time struggled with alcoholism.
After an encouragement from an exiled musician and patron of the arts in Cape Verde, who lived in Portugal, Evora resumed singing. This man was Bana, who invited Cesaria to be sung concerts in Portuguese territory, with the financing of a local women's organizations.

José da Silva, a Frenchman originally from Cape Verde persuaded her to go to Paris, where she recorded the album La pa Aux Pieds Nus ( Barefoot Diva) in 1988. The song "Sodade" was her first international success and the first success in France was not French. This marked the beginning of world-renowned for the singer from Africa. The Portuguese word saudade is a complex matter, which is difficult to translate. Generally means nostalgia, longing, regret and repentance. expression "sodade" is an internal element to the music of Cape Verde. The album that was praised by critics and this started her career, followed by the album 1992, Miss Perfumado, which has even greater success. Thus, the singer became an international star at the age of 47 years.
The former leader of the band Talking Heads David Byrne has often sung the song of Evora "Ausencia" second run on his concerts.
In September 2011 announced that it ends the musical career, canceling scheduled concerts, as it was "a state of great exhaustion."
Evora was submitted in 2010 to open heart surgery in Paris after serious problems presented in the coronary artery.
Friday morning she felt unwell and was taken urgently to the hospital. According to doctors had suffered pulmonary edema, and this morning left her last breath.

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