Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ranch House: Clearly Transparent | Busyboo Design Blog

                                  Published in Modern Architecture | Small Houses


This impressive home is a 1,000 sq. ft. glass house, that sits on a secluded 1,800- acre ranch in Georgetown, Texas. With a facade that disappears into the landscape, it stands as a fine example of connecting a building to its site. And as you’ve already guessed, privacy wasn’t an issue for the owner as most of the house is transparent.
This open plan house is actually a glass box stabilized with a brick core, that prevents the building from collapsing, while acting as a centerpiece within the exposed interior.
The owner wasn’t afraid to embark on an architectural adventure. His vision was to build a piece of art on the ranch, by using local materials and elements; he expressly did not want separate rooms, walls, or window coverings. Inside, the interiors are visible at every elevation - even the bathroom has no doors or coverings.
The Ranch House is also featured in Michelle Kodis’ beautiful book Modern Cabins
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