Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MYTH AND COINS- DOLPHINS and Arrow/leaf -money

Dolphin Coin by Olbia 5th century BC

Olbia. 550-500 BC. 1/25 Obol. 38mm x 13mm. 2.56g. Cast Dolphin

Olbia. 550-500 BC. 1/25 Obol. 33mm x 14mm. 2.81g. Cast Dolphin

Olbia. 550-500 BC. 1/25 Obol. 22mm x 9mm, 2.32g   Cast Dolphin

Olbia. 410-400 BC. 1/10 Obol. 23mm x 8mm, 1.34g  Cast Dolphin
Olbia. 440-410 BC. 1/5 Obol. 29mm x 10mm, 2.7g  Cast Dolphin

In the ultimate antiquity, trading, people exchanged their goods.
Consideration of value, those times had and its arrowheads. So, the pattern remained as spare unit and the 7th-6th century BC was used counterfeit as the first "currency" with rounded edges (which shows the exclusive use of these items for non-war purposes) by the Scythians and the Greek colonies of the Black Sea (Olbia, Kerkinitis and Isle Berezan).
In the 6th century in Olbia and Kerkinitis, the shape of the arrowhead shape is replaced by the "fish"and "Dolphin", revealing the position taken in local economy, the sea and its products and continuing its tradition of 'replacement' commerce.
The city of Olbia was intensively occupied in the pre-historic period. From the 8th Century BC, the current site of the city was inhabited by Phoenicians and Greeks. With the foundation of the city, in the 4th Century BC came the beginning of the most important period in the history of the city and its port.
The city of  Kerkinitis .The first recorded settlement in the area, called Kerkinitis (Κερκινίτης), was built by Greek colonists around 500 BC. Along with the rest of Crimea, Kerkinitis was part of the dominions of Mithridates VI, King of Pontus, from whose cognomen, Eupator, the city's modern name derives.

Arrow/leaf -money 630-480 BC - Isle Berezan

anArchitecture: Future for Architects.

source http://www.an-architecture.com

What can be the role of architects in the next decade? Should architects insist on being the master-builder, designing, documenting and constructing buildings (=spaces), or shift towards new services like the emerging industry of design consultancy where creativity (e.g. design thinking) is more valued than the delivery of blueprints? Architects regard themselves often as underrated among other stakeholders in the planning process: both in power and compensation. In spite of the sudden rise of the star-architects, our role gets less significant.
Strangely, in maybe no other field exits so different interpretations of one profession. Are we artists? Engineers? Researcher? Sociologist? Marketeers? Writers? Designers? Or is the ‘professional generalist’ - as we like to see our-self (like the renaissance man) just wishful thinking, when many of us work on door schedules or construction documents?
Today, there are many new opportunities available to emerging architects, as Rory Hyde writes in his article Potential Futures for Design Practice - “overturning the inherited assumptions of the design professions”: new roles like being a “Community Enabler”, a “Unsolicited Architect”, a “Practicing Researcher” and more. Join the discussion on Potential Futures for Design Practice at Rory Hyde Projects / Blog.
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