Monday, March 12, 2012

The PODhouse made from prefabricated modules by ROB GmbH

Nowadays architects and designers create more and more environmentally-friendly designs. The key lies in the materials they choose and the technology. This is PODhouse, a sustainable micro home that offers an innovative low-impact housing solution. The PODhouse was a project by Swiss design form ROB GmbH and it was developed in 2011.
The PODhouse is made of prefabricated modules and it’s a micro home perfect for the garden or backyard. It can also be used as an office or even as a holiday hideaway. There have been prototypes for this design since 2003 and they have been optimized ever since. They have also been tested and improved and this is the final product. The PODhouse is finally available for purchase.

The project started as an attempt to improve the popular holiday adventure experience of camping. It was created particularly to be used during the winter months in the Swiss Alps. The PODs are crafted using FSC certified wood and they are designed to withstand harsh weather. They also have minimal impact on the surrounding environment. They are durable and feature good insulation of the floorws and floor along with double glazed windows and doors. If you only want to experience a PODhouse without necessarily purchase one, you can do that by visiting the PODhotel in Flims, Switzerland. It has several PODhouses available for rent.

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