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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


by Michael Balaroutsos Architect
-The Cheironios Handle- The Handle of Theomachous!

……Once upon a time, under the moonlight, the king of Fthia Peleus, Saw a Great goddess dancing with the daughters of the water. She was the goddess Thetis.The prophecy of Prometheus forced to marry a mortal,  which would upset the almighty Zeus!
Pileus tyrannical than the divine beauty, .......but how could this mortal, to acquire  Thetis who was a goddess? Asked why, the wisest Chiron who lived high on the with many herbs Mount Pelion. "He advised him, in the same place as seen in the night to dance, to grab as much as tight in his arms. Do not let the handle as though that change form, to snake, lion and fire water to escape. " Peleus to his passion for the goddess patiently overcame and defeated all the angry transformations, keeping a tight grip on his arms. The goddess bowed and handed to love!....

The great issue brilliantly depicted inside red figure cylix 500 BC now in the Museum of West Berlin. 
This excellent display shows Peleus, to defy the divine transformation of snakes that bite anywhere, and complain that the lion perched on his back. Peleus defeats the transformations of Beauty Goddess, using the sacred "cheironio handle" or "Meandros" as it later became known, the famous ancient Greek symbol of the defeat of the gods!

Dictionaries are really insist on stupid stereotypical view, that Meander is "the ancient decorative pattern recalls maneuver the Meander river of Caria, which was discovered for the first time of which was the name. You actually got the name from the river near which was discovered, but it's quite foolish to think that everywhere in the world, these Greek findings illustrate the joys of passion and "maneuvering" a largely unknown Asian river Caria .

We note here that the correlation of the handle thereof, or a handful hooked into the other, which clearly forms the famous Greek linear symbol Meander, here is obvious. But I do not see anywhere to comment so,these unmistakable parallels that both celebrates the "world famous Greek Meandros (Meander)" which is simply known only as a beautiful decorative linear invention and not as a potential sacred symbol of man in the lift pedestal worthy opponent the "gods". The Maeandrius coupling of the hands is an excellent symbol , of any value and heroism .

Of the multitude of ancient pottery reproductions clearly showing that the handle, the handle or cheironios cheironio grid or whatever you call it a handle on this particular past, a special and perhaps solemn emblem theomachos Greek heroes! The grand schematic slogan that defeated the gods!
The Meander was therefore probably the figure of divine defeat by theomachous( who fight the Gods) spunky heroes!

Image: Hercules defeats the Triton with "Maeandrius handle.
Angiography in 550 BC Museum Tarkynia.
The "Maeandrius handle", as right now we should call it, uses it repeatedly, the eminently theomachos Hercules, as seen clearly highlighted in this masterly depiction of the struggle of Hercules with Triton, a vase of 550 BC . Where we see Triton striving in vain to open in front of his chest locked in the grip Maeandrius steel fingers unbeatable hero!

The obvious relationship decorative meander meanders and handle can also be easily found in the cluster Peleus and Thetis where the value of the handle in the centre of the show overstated crowned all around than the more stylized Maeandrius symbolism. Nor should it be by coincidence that many angiograms advocating divine defeat, excessive heroism, often crowned by fret!

We conclude that there is no chance the wide spread in ancient times the above meandric symbolism. It was a timeless gift of mythological times, the classic and modern times, the Mediterranean descendants of the Greek. A great block signal, the requirement of power in retreat "gods," the priesthood and religious.

And if we assume that the right questions and interpretations are the two hands of the wise. Then Maeandrius essence, none other than the unbroken chain of questions and interpretations, which disable the deified puzzles-maker, along with the puzzles!
You as a people (this applies only to Modern Greeks) to suffer (because some people want it so) of gross historical amnesia, but there is no reason to remove stubborn value than the symbolism of our ancestors, insisting upstart with a passion to some interpretations very lightly suggested underestimating him brutally exquisite sacred symbolism.
The meander is a linear ordering of our ancestors, to fight against the impossible! Α Wonderful reminders that outline , both your "hands" hold the secret to beating your oppressors. 
And if only your own "hands" are not Sufficient, then joined the other in an inseparable harmonious whole Greek, militant, sinuous chain of aggressive questions and Debunking interpretations! 
This is the most effective battle against all arbitrary power!
The meander is a sacred symbol of eternal victory, which gives the Greek Antiquity to the universal hope of final liberation from the bondage Of every single ancient and modern "gods".

Source. M. Kalopoulos From the book "THE BIG LIE"

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